This blog is for learning English and practice.
And include Korea's information that be written by me.
If you wants an informations about Korea to writting Novels and drawing comincs, Contact to me.
OH M-Y GOD...!
The school living guide was so terrible!!!!!!
What's that!! ㅠ_ㅠ
is that really printed in student WELFARE department??
That's so bad and unfair!!
after Print received, the teacher said that
'If you break the this rules, you'll be die(you'll give physical punishment by teacher).'
In fact, in Korea, physical and mind punishment by teacher is
so plenty and it is almost lawful.
Student of Korea were have not freedom and human rights.
it's the fundamental reason that Korea is don't become advanced country!
I'm so angry.
(Relation map of my new novel, 'The Mina')
SO SAD :-(
in korea, many people live in apartments.
It is most popular and recommended way to live in since korea is a small country.
ordinary apartments are usually 15 to 20 floors high.
Training Courses in Korea
Age : 8 ~ 13 - Elementary School 초등학교 (6 years)
Age : 14 ~ 16 - Middle School 중학교 (3 years)
Age : 17 ~ 19 - High School 고등학교 (3 years)
(tip : In Korea, From the moment of born, 1 years old.)
ex) if you born in 1992, present(2009) age is 18.
The New moon
(Illust - Jacob Black, Edward Cullen, Isabella swan)
Try maximum.
My Korea Blog site is :
http://blog.naver.com/hwanyoon and
That site include Korean Language.
If you have some curious about me, contact
sobakhan92 at hotmail dot com.
(My school and town)
(My school and town, 2008 Fall 6:00p.m)
I'm in school 7:50 A.M ~ 10.P.M.
That's S.KOREA's education policy.